Thursday, September 24, 2009

homecoming. =]

♪♫♪♫ well homecoming this year should be very interesting. I'm going with my BFF Kayce. and now i have to kiss her little brother. LMAO! Kayce plans on decking me out in school spirit stuff. so i guess we'll see how this goes. i'll update you all later. =]


  1. u kissed victor!!... hahahah twice! and who was the hot blonde chick that pulled you outta your honda civic?... :)

  2. LMFAO! i know. and that hot blonde chick? idk but she was one smoking chica!

  3. hahahah dang straight ! i love u haha. and man your honda civic is a pretty boss vehicle

  4. lol i love you too! and oh for sure. that honda civic is one ballin vehicle.
